The Pamplona-Barcelona Saga By Luke Simmons

The situation: Shannon, Craig, Mike & I wake up in a hostel with massive hangovers in San Sebastian & trudge our way to the bus station to head to Barcelona.

We got to the bus station, worked out that everyone else had the same idea & that we couldn't get a ticket! Hmmm. One of the guys had the idea of hiring a car &, with it being the same rough cost per person, we took it as our only & best solution.

We all piled into the car with our packs & set off on the 600km journey. This represented the first time we'd driven on the "wrong" (or, right) hand side of the road so that was an interesting challenge. Also, Craig hadn't driven a manual for years which provided some laughs when he stalled at the toll with the gate hanging precariously above our car.

We FINALLY got the outskirts of Barcelona & were greeted by a nasty traffic jam. With Shannon's skilled hands now at the wheel, we edged closer & decided to find a park so we could find accomms for the night. As he went to take a right, a car cut us off causing us to slow - which caused a guy on a Scooter behind us to get catapulted into our car thanks to being hit from behind by a 4WD.

So now, we've got police everywhere & a damaged rental. With my pigeon Spanglish, I managed to get what I thought was a police report. In the meantime, Craig had found some accomms so we were off. When we learned the car rental place wasn't going to slug us for the damage, the saga was over.

The 1st beer that night tasted SO good.

in Barcelona, Spain


I believe that life is a (relatively) short ride and that it's crucial to squeeze as many good times out of it as possible. I love travelling, music, reading, writing, all kinds o' sport, & my wife!

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