Travelling stories

A 15hr train journey in the wrong cabin - Part 2

This was getting unbearable. I couldn't move or leave my seat and even if I did, I couldn't be certain that my bag or seat would be there when I returned....

Nick Bennett

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Blonde haired, fair skinned, single female in Tunisia

As an 18 year old on a GAP year in Europe, I took to hijacking friend’s holidays.

This particular trip was with a German couple and their friend to Tunisia....

Ange Gale

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Trip from Hell - Almost (Part I)

Set the scene. We are embarking on a trip of epic proportions, driving from Scotland to the South of France, not the North, the South....

Liam Fleming

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Fussy Grandma

Old people can be fussy, especially if you speak better English than them.

I was 14, nearly 15 and made to travel from Bulgaria to England on a plane, with a stewardess....

Diya N

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Snow and the City, with Bonus Frostbite

Daylight saving started in New York City on Sunday March 8, where I now reside.

Completely unlike Australia, where the days are already getting lo...

Xavier Toby

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Embarrassment in the Amazon

While living in Brazil in 2009, I was lucky enough to have my Mum over for a visit up to the Amazon....

Luke Simmons

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