What Made Me Come to Australia By Mick Skrijel

I decided to come to Australia from the camp in Latina when I asked 2 questions to an Australian representative whom I believe was Billy Sweden - I liked the answer to the questions. The 2 questions I asked were: Is there work in Australia for me and will I be equal with the other citizens there. Both answers to those questions were yes.

After passing all of the medical and Interpol checks, I was accepted to come to Australia.

I arrived here on 14th April 1961. We landed at the Princess Pier in Melbourne and from there we were put onto the train to Albury-Wodonga and went from there on a bus to Bonagila. In Bonagila, the camp was full. Many thousands of all different nationalities were there. Australia was experiencing credit squeeze. There were no jobs. I spent several months in Bonagila going to the office everyday and asking for a job. Finally I was called one day and was offered a job at the Glenthompson Brickworks. I accepted it immediately.

in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


I was born on 1/3/1941 in Yugoslavia and moved to Australia in 1961 looking for a peaceful life. Here is my story.

See Mick's profile.


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