Nightmare in the Middle of Nowhere By Maria Santos

It was December of 1974 and I had just got married to Juvencio in Porto Alegre. For our honeymoon, we decided to drive 750km south down to Punta del Este to spend some time on the beach in Uruguay.

We made our way down south spending most of the time talking, listening to music, singing and joking around.

Close to the border, there was this endless stretch of road that seemed to go on forever and we were shocked to see a guy in the distance hitch hiking. With a good 30 seconds to discuss amongst eachother, we agreed that the only fair thing we could do would be to pick him up.

As he got in, he explained that his truck had broken down and wanted to find out where we were going.

Conversation flowed OK, but he started giving us bad vibes with his story about the broken down truck sounding flakey. I gave Juvencio a sly look and he nodded back signally that he was onto him as well.

To send the signal that he was armed, Juvencio exagerated the action of leaning down to pick "something" up from under the chair. At that moment, I looked into the rearview mirror and remarked to Juvencio that we had friends behind us. "Really?", our passenger blurted out. "Oh yes, those three cars behind us are all in our group", I said forcing a smile.

"Oh. Okay. Uh... right here would be fine. Just drop me off here".

So with that, Juvencio stopped the car in the middle of no-where and let the guy out.

Who knows, if we hadn't been thinking fast at that moment, I may not be sharing this story here right now.

in BR-471, Santa Vitória do Palmar - RS, 96230-000, Brazil


I'm a proud mother who enjoys travelling and avoiding embarrassing situations - most of which have been recounted here.

See Maria's profile.


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