Memories from the mid 1900's By Faye Harris

When the 1914-18 commenced Dad went to enlist but was refused because of his health, however Dad’s saying was “what I was born with I will die with”, but later he had to have dentures so I think that must have upset him!

During the war Dad was put to work in Melbourne making horse stalls for the ships that transported the horses to war service.

Now there is a gap in my knowledge until a few years after my Sister and Brother were born. I often wondered how Dad got Mum to the hospital for all our births as the hospital was quite a distance from home in Glen Iris. Taxis were not available and, as Dad and neighbours had no cars, my imagination is Dad riding to the hospital with Mum on the side bar of his trusty bike.

I wish I had asked questions when I became older but I thought those stories boring! No one left to ask now!

in Glen Iris, Victoria, Australia


Faye is a mother of 3 and grandmother of 5. An active member of St Lukes Anglican church and previous committee member of U3A. She found her WW1 relative through DNA testing.

See Faye's profile.


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