School stories

Some Science Teachers Just Want to Watch the World Burn.

If there’s one thing I enjoy it’s a flagrant disregard of safety by an authority figure. Nothing made me grin more as a child than seeing my father m...

Andy Thompson

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Puberty Bloobs

Puberty was quite hard for me, I was literally flatter than a pancake for what seemed like an eternity....

Jennifer Burke

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The School Run

At last all the kids in the car, school clothes found, yesterdays homework done, breakfast eaten and the usual last minutes have "to do" gone, now ready to go just about in time I hope....

Mary Webb

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Stomach Problems and Psychological Damage

Has anyone ever seen that movie Carrie? Well, I can somewhat relate to her and can't blame her for going psycho.......

Maria Santos

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In the 50's school days were pretty hard. We were not asked to do something, we were told to do it or suffer the outcome of our disobedience....

Alec Webb

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Fully Automatic?

I went to pick up a lady for her first driving lesson in an automatic. I knocked on the door and introduced myself. ...

Tony Mihill

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